Sunday, April 1, 2012

Spring like day....

I feel very good about my last post, it got a lot off of my mind and made me feel like I can move on and not look back.  Sometimes writing about how someone made you feel is like that and is needed and gives you that opportunity to put it aside and move on which is what I have done....
I am so excited for spring/summer.  It is the perfect time to be outside doing what I love.  I am so over winter.  Yesterday was a beautiful spring day.  I woke up in the morning and went to my Dr. only discovered I had gained a few pounds. :\  I thought I had been doing everything right.  However I won't complain as much because a few of the pounds that I gained were lean muscle mass.  However anytime you gain it is discouraging ...when you are trying so hard to lose.  I have been working really hard I haven't taken the elevator at all and I am making a new goal to not take it the entire month of April.  I also have been walking on the treadmill which for me even moving off of my couch is a huge accomplishment.  I have also been eating healthy and doing really well not eating out. I know what I need to do and I am working on it for sure.  I am going on vacation in a couple of days and I know what I can and can't eat at restaurants that we might be going to.  So I don't feel to overwhelmed about going on this vacation.  So back to my spring day.... after the Dr., we went to the park.  I love the park, I love to walk around, people watch and enjoy the beautiful weather with my son.  I went with my roommate, friend and my son.... the only thing that sucked was the horrible wind we were having.  Even though yesterday was a beautiful warm spring day with the high hitting almost 80, today is cold and we are expecting snow showers in the valley.  The weather here can be so unpredictable.  I can't wait for weeks full of warm weather to spend evenings outside at the park with my son or just being able to take a walk while he rides his bike outdoors.  I am not a huge fan of winter because I am overweight and not able to enjoy many of the winter activities (I am sure I could enjoy them, but I don't).  I am hoping next year is different and I will be able to enjoy some of the winter activities that I used to enjoy like sledding and pretending I knew how to ski. :)  I also love spring/summer because I love to BBQ, love grilled chicken and turkey burgers .... love having people over with fresh salads.  I can't wait as the good weather is expected soon and I am ready for it.  I also can't wait to go on vacation and even better my boy is turning 5!!  I am so excited and love being a mom!  That is another reason I am on this healthiness journey so that I can be here for my son and enjoy running around with him at the park! 

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