Thursday, April 12, 2012

Life Suckers

You know those life sucking people?  The kind that when you are around them they just suck the life out of you?  The kind you avoid reading things they write because they just ruin your good energy... I am trying to rid myself of those type of people and the negative energy.  They are the type of people that just don't make you feel good about yourself or about anything you are doing...they are life suckers.  A quick story on this.... I know I am overweight and I know I need to lose weight.  I have been an up and down person on the scale forever.  I think even once I named my scale the teeter totter.... up one week down the next up one week, up, up, up....until you don't go down anymore.  So at one point I was down and I was feeling good about being me and losing weight.  A "friend" of mine gave me a pair of pretty cute jeans, they had flowers on the butt and at the time they were in style you could say.  I had them on and I was complaining about the front pockets bulging out all the time, now mind you I know that sometimes pockets do this if you are overweight and the pants don't fit right, but these pants fit perfectly fine and were actually a little big "score".  This particular "friend" said to me, well if you lost some weight they might not bulge like that.  These pants were only doing it because they were not sewn properly.... needless to say a year later she asked for her pants back because she wanted them and wanted to start wearing them and I told her no problem they were to big for me anyways (which at the time they were).  It is those type of friends and people in your lives that you need to get away from the negative people that push you down every time you think you have found your ^^ UP ^^ the life suckers..... I am starting to rid myself of these types of "friends" because they truly are not. 
I am finding myself little by little day by day and starting to realize that I am worth it and I don't need to surround myself with negative energy because it doesn't help my weight loss situation in anyway.

I am proud of myself..... I have eaten healthy for the last 2 days, I have done a little exercise not much but I am getting there and I haven't taken the elevator yet and we are half way through the month of April... I have even had days were I have had to go to the 1st floor several times and then back up to my seat and not once have I pushed the button.  I am reaching my goals they are a long ways out but I know that I can reach them and I am making shorter goals with good rewards so I have something to work towards.  I will post more on that later.  Until then have a great day!

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