Wednesday, March 21, 2012

My water bottle collection

I have found that I have quite the collection of water bottles laying around. The ones on my nightstand below....

I also have another collection at work. I really need to get a good water bottle that filters my water so that I can get away from using water bottles. It is probably my worst habit. I drink most of it and then usually have about 1/2 inch of water left in the bottom and then I just keep them laying around. I am not sure of the reason. Sometimes I use them to water my plants so I think that is why...but it really would be smarter of me to just buy a good water bottle and lose the plastic bottles all together. I really don't like them and I know they are not good for the earth. I also drink about 3-4 of them a day beside the water I drink in my water cup that I have at work. I have a water cup at work because the water at work is already filtered so I can just fill up the cup, however the water at home is not filtered and I have a thing against drinking water from the tap. There is just something about tap water that doesn't taste right to me and so I prefer filtered water.

On another note, I did what I said I was going to do and I took the stairs up this morning at work. I am so proud of me. It seriously was a thought process...the elevator was right there and I thought about jumping on it. But I made a promise to myself that I was going to become more active and not taking the elevator is a good start. So there I went bag in hand and took the stairs it was amazing and I didn't even feel out of breath when I got to the top because I was so proud of myself for doing what I said I was going to do and not backing out of it like I usually do. I feel good about my choice. I am doing this and it feels really good to do something for me and something that I have set my mind to do, not just the elevator but everything the whole healthniess journey. I am sure there will be bumps in the road but I am ready for the challenge. :)

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