Saturday, March 24, 2012

I am treading...

I have decided that the best thing for me is to buy a treadmill.  I am heading out this morning to go get a really nice one that I found.  It is a little expensive however I am excited about buying it.  I found this Awesome workout that will fit me since I have a long way to go.  It starts out slow but eventually within 12 weeks I will be walking 40-60 minutes daily.  I need that because I don't want to start out to quickly. This is the site that I am going to use to start out, you should check it out.  There is a 12 week walking plan on there.  I am so excited to get started on this walking journey.  I am so excited to be on this healthniess journey.  It is something really good for me and I know it will be worth it.  I just want to be healthy.  I know for some people being healthy means, losing weight, the number on the scale, etc.  Being healthy for me is being able to run with my son, play with him out in the yard, take him to the park and be actively involved instead of sitting on the sidelines.  Being healthy means being able to walk up the 2 flights of stairs (the ones I am taking instead of the elevator) without running out of breath.  To walk into a normal store and buy a shirt without having to go to the "big", "fat", "plus" size section.  I hate being a label and that is what overweight people are they are a label.  I mean for example I have to buy a more expensive treadmill because I am to overweight for some of the less expensive ones.  It is just crazy to me but that is how things work we are all a label in one way or another.  What do you want your label to say?

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