Thursday, March 1, 2012

All about me.....

I know I have said it time and time again about starting over, but I am
going to do it. I have a new outlook on life. I no longer have anyone holding me
back or making me feel like I am not good enough or not worth enough. I did it
time and time again to the point of feeling hopeless, when you have no support
at home it makes it really hard. I feel in a way that my X sabotaged me.... he
used to buy fast food and bring it home and then order pizza - he knew I was
trying to eat healthy. I think he thought if he kept me eating badly and not
losing weight that I wouldn't think I wasn't good enough for anyone else. Well that
isn't true and I know I am good enough for someone else and good enough for
myself. I take blame as I don't place blame on others. I did this to myself, I
had the choice not to eat what he brought home but I ate it anyways. Today is a
new day and a day to start over.
I have been overweight almost my entire life. I have been up and down and tried almost every diet and diet pills you can think of. I know with all things though losing weight is not
easy and it is about changing my life and sticking to it. I know now that my lifestyle change is about getting healthy. Not about fad diets that start and end...they just don't work for me. I know I can do this and I have the power, I am in charge of my choices. So at my highest weight I was 320 lbs.... I am now 298. I am only 5'4 so 298 lbs is well unbearable. I have a hard
time doing a lot of things and what is harder is I am a single mom of a 4 1/2
year old so I have to do something not only for me but for him. I am making this
change for me and for my son. 10 years ago I lost 70lbs doing the L.A. Weight
loss and then I gained the weight back plus some..... and then when I got
pregnant I was up to 305 and after having my son I just never lost any weight
and gained. The road is not easy and I know this and I need all the support that
I can get. If I can inspire even one person by reading my blog then I have
accomplished something. I am ready for this change and I personally plan to do
everything I can to change my life. This is me and I am ready for a change.

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