Wednesday, March 21, 2012

2nd floor elevator

2nd floor …. I love to say I sit on the 2nd floor. I wish I sat near the windows however. It is so nice on the 2nd floor much different then being on the 1st floor. It is like a whole new world up here. People are more friendly, they include you in everything and in general I just like it more. I was on the 1st floor for a little over 9 years. So moving to the 2nd floor was definitely a change and a change from just walking in the door and right to my desk which was super close to the door. I now walk a bit further from my car to the door and I have the choice to either catch the elevator up or take the stairs. My desk isn’t close to the elevator or close to the stairs but it isn’t that far away either. My weight is certainly an issue, I have taken the stairs a few times and I am out of breath by the time I get to the top of them. So I don’t take them I get to work in the morning and I hop on the elevator up to the 2nd floor. I know people are probably thinking you have trouble going up 2 flights of stairs. I am not going to lie – yes I have trouble. I take the stairs going down and the elevator up. My thought process has always been well I take them….but I guess that was my thought process before. However, starting today I am making a new goal and that is to not take the elevator for the rest of the month, yes I know the month is almost over and there is only technically including today 8 more working days for me but I am hoping that by making this goal that it will turn into not taking the elevator unless “I really need to”. I am trying to move more. In the past eating healthy has just worked for me and I was dropping weight but once I hit my high weight it seems that nothing has been working…. Moving more has got to help and I have seen it help others so that is what I am doing moving more, eating healthy and taking my life one step at a time. It is all a process. I know I can do this I know how to do this and now I just need to do this. This isn’t about anyone else this is about me and my journey and that is how it should be. I love me and I want me to be around for a long time.

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