Thursday, February 7, 2013

Let's talk public bathrooms ya'll...

I seriously hate public bathrooms. I hate them. I think they are dirty, gross and nasty. With that being said they are ultimately unavoidable. If you work in an office, most likely you don’t have your own little private bathroom. Women are nasty, I am just gonna say it, so are men….but women what are you thinking. Clean up after yourself, if you make a mess in the stall clean it up…. I won’t go into details about things I have seen or heard in my office bathroom but it has made my stomach churn. I am just gonna tell you, cell phones should not be talked on in the public bathroom, if I can hear you texting, playing a game whatevs, it is nasty! I just think that there is a time to be talking on your phone and texting and it isn’t while someone is in the next stall to you taking a crap! I don’t even want to listen to you take a crap much less the person on your cell phone hearing it….flush the toilet a couple times no one wants to hear that nasty crap! Seriously you think the person on the other end of the phone wants to hear what the neighbor in the bathroom is doing – I promise you this “THEY DON’T”. This is my work bathroom, let’s talk about public bathrooms…. Target, Walmart, Fast Food joints, it is even worse, so if you can imagine how bad my work bathroom is let’s walk into a Walmart and see what kind of stuff is on their floors….most of you know that I am single mom….let me tell you I am like a bathroom Nazi…I won’t let him touch anything. He tries to lift the seat and I pretty much freak out on him. It is nasty, nasty, nasty…. I am off my bathroom rant.

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