Monday, February 4, 2013

A new idea...

So when I first started blogging I had decided that I was doing a weight loss blog and I really didn't know what to write about.  I read a lot of hilarious blogs.... mine doesn't even compare.  I realized though that my writings should be just that .... my writings.  Even if what I am writing about doesn't pertain to weight loss it still might be interesting to someone who is out in the crazy blog land reading my posts (which there isn't many of you).....
I was thinking this weekend about my weight loss and how it has been up and down.  I found someone to go to weight watchers with me and I am super excited about someone else being there and helping me be accountable to going to my meetings.  I have the hardest time sitting through the meetings sometimes.  I hear people talk about the amazing experience at the WW meetings they go to, and I have yet to find that.  I am a people person, well I think I am.  I think I am pretty amazing and funny, but for some reason I just don't click with the people at the meetings that I go to.  It seems that they are already in some sort of WW group that I don't belong to.  I have tried talking to people at the meetings and they seem closed off and not friendly.  It is hard when you go to these meetings expecting people to be nice and welcome because they are struggling with the same things you are.  Honestly I find the people more motivating online on the blogs I read.  I have never had someone sit by me at a WW meeting.  I know I don't smell, maybe they just don't like my perfume - but whatever the reason it is the strangest thing I have ever encountered.  I am happy to have someone else be there with me just so that I am not alone.  This week marks my 16 weeks of WW - I get an award and I have lost 15 pounds.  I am so happy to know that even though it has taken me 16 weeks to get there that I have lost almost a pound a week with no real excercise and for that I can be proud.  I am proud of what I have accomplished in those 16 weeks.  Speaking of excercise, I bought a kettle ball and a kettle ball workout video I am excited to get started.  I bought some new furniture this weekend that I love, but now I have an old couch and chair in the middle of my living room, can't wait for it to be picked up so I can pull my treadmill back out and start working on the couch to 5K, I have read so many things in blog land that couch to 5K really worked and has helped many people on their journey as well as helped them drop some pounds. I am hoping that it will work for me.  We will see, I want to get to a place that if I go out on date I know that the person isn't judging me based on my looks and not getting to know the real me - because god knows that has happened more than once.  I will post more on my dating life in my next post.... I am supposed to go to dinner with a friend this week so we will see how it goes. :D Until next time.

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