Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Our first Bike ride....

So we took the day Sunday getting ready for a bike ride that evening.  We went out and my roommate bought himself a bike and then we pulled out my little ones bike to get it fixed up and mine to do the same.  I am sure that I need a full tune up on my bike.  We made a few trips to the store and then a quick trip to the bike shop (the only one I could find open on a Sunday).  We got the bikes in good enough shape to go out on our evening ride.  The weather has been crazy here, rain and 102 degree weather all in the same week.  I have to tell you besides and indoor stationary bike, I haven't been on a bike in almost 20 years.... I was super scared to get on that bike.  I know they say that riding a bike is like tying your shoes something you just won't forget, but I was still a little intimidated by my bike.  It was bigger than me and I am a short thing, so getting my butt up on that seat was somewhat of a challenge, but I did it.... the biking wasn't the challenge that I was having it was all the issues during our bike ride.  First off my sons chain fell off his bike and that really sucked, so we had to stop to fix that... then we got chased by a dog and it was biting and nipping at my sons leg and he was scared to death he is only 5 so the dog was freaking him out.  The most annoying thing about the dog was that the owners were outside when the dog started chasing us they saw him biting at my sons leg and they were not doing anything about it.  I was yelling because in the city I live in there is a leash law and dogs are not allowed to be off their leash unless they are inside or in the owners yard.  I was extremely irritated at the fact that they just stood there and let the dog chase us without doing anything about it. So I yelled at them about the dog not being on a leash and then my roommate almost ran into my son with his bike trying to get the dog to chase him instead of us.... when we finally all met up again the chain on his bike came off again and then to top it off it came off 5 more times....so all in all we rode a mile and half and it took us 20 minutes.... I know CRAZY it should not take this long to ride 1.5 miles but it did.... so that is my story on our very first bike ride.  We will be venturing out again tomorrow night hopefully our luck is better :)  I did enjoy the bike ride other than being at my weight and on a bike can be very painful (seat not comfortable) even with the new seat I purchase..... Ahh well it isn't gonna stop me, next year I will be busting up that 100 mile MS ride and I can't wait to kick butt at it! :)


  1. Hi Amy!

    I'm really shocked to hear what happened during your ride! And just imagine that just by sitting down here reading your post I got quite mad at the owners, I would have lost it if I was you!

    A friend of mine had a small dog that he would always take out for walks. Then one day they got a new neighbor that had big bad dog and started chasing my friend and his dog every time he would see them. My friend warned his owner but nothing changed until one day my friend took his dog out for a walk and took a nunchuck with him (a real one, not the one from the Wii). He hit the dog and I think it hurt him so bad that now every time my friend goes out with his dog he hides and shakes. So does his owner I bet!!!

    Have a good one and good luck on your rides and have fun!


  2. That is a hilarious story about your first bike ride! I think your experiences from here on out should be a little more tame. But the universe will serve up some excitement as you embark on your next bike riding journey!

