Monday, March 11, 2013

Obsessed with the Bachelor and Disney fever...

I am seriously obsessed with watching the bachelor, I can't wait to watch the Season Finale tonight.  I promised my friends son I would play Xbox with him tonight (yes I am a mom, yes I play xbox get over it).  So I have a plan to set up the small tv with the bachelor on a tv tray and then play xbox on the big tv with my friends son...... can we say obsessed.  I keep wondering who Sean is going to pick and I have a feeling he isn't going to pick anyone and that maybe the letter he gets at the end is from Dez, but I don't know.  It starts in a little over an hour and I am so excited to watch it.  I am going to pick up some dinner before hand so that I don't have to leave.  I usually watch everything on DVR, but I know if I do that then my mom will text me and tell me what happens and I don't want to miss anything or find out anything before it happens and I see it live all by myself.

 I also have Disney Fever.... in 25 days I will be in the happiest place on earth!  I freaking can't wait, I am taking my son for his 6th Birthday.  We are going with my mom, my aunt and my 2 cousins and we are flying!! So HAPPY!  I am crazy as we were just there in October but I love love love Disneyland and I love that we are flying instead of driving and I am just so happy and can't freaking wait.  I want to pack right now.  I really would if I had a suitcase here I would start packing today! :)  Well that is enough for now.  I can't wait for Disney and can't wait for the results of the Bachelor tonight! YAY!


  1. Cute blog! I'm stopping by from Hubby Jack's and I'm your newest follower.


    1. Thanks Amber! I am excited to have some new readers. :)
