Friday, March 15, 2013

Disneyland and Springtime weather.

I am so excited to be going to Disneyland and I am so excited to be able to take my son for his 6th Birthday!  I can't believe he is going to be 6, I love this kid so much and I am so happy to have him call me mom.  I was so lucky.  He is the most amazing 6 year old and so much fun.  He talks so much and makes me crazy sometimes but I wouldn't trade him for the world.  It is hard to be a single mom, but I definately would not change a thing about it.  I can't wait to get on the plane, I want to pack my suitcase yesterday.  Here is a picture of us in Disneyland in October what a fun trip that was.

I am so excited that the weather is changing and that spring is almost here.  I love just hanging out with my son and taking him to the park and doing fun things outdoors.  I have been inside all winter.  I am not a fan of winter and being in Utah we get a lot of snow and I am not a huge fan of snow either.  I am a spring, summer, fall girl for sure...and I love my flip flops.  I got to wear these babies yesterday and it was Fabulous! 
I did the ultimate fail yesterday and it was awesome.  I am a huge fan of my iphone, like that baby is with me all day everday.  I always know where my cell is and I use it a lot!  So I was texting my roommate he is in Texas for work...and I was getting ready to go get my lashes done.  I grabbed the keys off the table by the door locked the door and walked out, what I hadn't realized was that I grabbed my mailbox keys...and I had now locked myself out of my house.  With my roommate in TX and my only spare key in my car (which was also locked) I kind of freaked a little!  I had to call the lash place and reschedule $20.00 since it wasn't 24 hours notice.  It is a good thing it wasn't snowing and we had spring like weather.  I checked all the windows and they were locked....I am crazy I lock up everything.  I went to the neighbors and borrowed a credit card to jimmy open my back door if I could, the deadbolt wasn't locked....easy peasy yep....unlocked that sucker grabbed the keys jumped in the car and headed to the lash place which isn't close.  I was only 8 minutes late to my appointment and I didn't have to pay the fee....Awesome!  Here is a pic of my fabulous lashes (the pic looks kind of creepy but you get the idea) I will post a better one, I get them done at the Cherry Lash Lounge if anyone is in Utah let me know I will give you the information I love them.  Well that is all I got going on today, going to a dance club with some friends tomorrow night for a friends Birthday that should be interesting. :) Have a good Friday everyone! 

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