Saturday, September 15, 2012

Color Run SLC 2012

I have never had so much fun during a 5K.  The Color Run 2012 was certainly worth the $35.00 entry fee.  They gave everyone a bumper sticker, color packet, headband, tattoos and a Color Run T-Shirt.... it was seriously a blast.  I think my son was a little freaked out in the beginning because it was so loud and there was so many people and he wasn't really sure what to expect, but once we started going he had so much fun!  It is so fun to go through the color explosion areas and the 5K wasn't so bad, there were a few small inclines but nothing hard and totally worth it.  I think it was the most fun that I have had in a long time.  This year I didn't run any of the Color Run however next year I plan to run the entire thing.  I am just not up to speed to run the run and I haven't gotten my new shoes for running yet (they come in next week).  I am so excited because next year we are doing the Color Run as well as another run here called the Haunted Halloween Run which is a half marathon.  I have so many fun things to do this year and I can't wait to experience each and everyone of them. 

I went to drop off my food donation at WW today for the lose for good campaign.  It seems that it turned out pretty good.  I also got my free measuring cups today.  I am excited and I hope they pull my name out of the drawing for the $250.00 gift certificate to Kohls!  I mean who wouldn't be excited to WIN!!

I will post some Awesome photos from the color run as soon as my phone starts working and will let me post them :)


  1. Hey Amy!! I didn't quite get what the color run was...Is everyone wearing like hippie tshirts and stuff like that!? That would be so awesome!!!

    Anyways glad to read you had fun keep up the good work!


    1. Emilio - The Color Run is a huge Run that they do all over the United States, not sure if they do it in other countries. Basically it is a 5K Walk/Run and you go through color stations and they throw color on you (similar to chalk) Red, Blue, Yellow, Orange and then they give everyone packets to throw at a big color festival at the end of the race. It is so much fun and if you get a chance to do it you should it was so worth it. I will try to get some pictures to load. :)

    2. That sounds super fun!! Please upload some pictures, I'd love to see that!!!

